This Christmas gift means more to me than a card and a Lulu Lemon gift card. It means friendship, happiness, new beginnings, and everything HAPPY...and here is why...
Sad. Depressed. Confused.
These three words are the words that come to mind when describing how I used to feel. Of course I tried my best to mask these feelings behind fashionable clothes and a fake smile, but that didn't make it any better.
A lot of these feelings stemmed from not being comfortable with who I was both inside and out. I always went with the flow, if my friends went out, I went out, if my friends drank, I drank. I was lazy, never did my homework and failed more than a few of my college classes. I mean come on, who goes back to school four different times and still doesn't have a degree? Oh yeah, I did...
After a while, my laziness, drinking, and emotional eating caught up with me and I realized that I had gained a significant amount of weight. It's like one day it just hit me and I realized that the girl who always had to have her makeup perfect, her clothes stylish, and could never leave the house without being put together, had let herself go. How did this happen?
Just about the same time that I was wallowing in self pity, I saw my friend Jaime post on Facebook about a new workout program that she was doing. She posted a friend's transformation picture from the test group and I was completely blown away by the results she had gotten. I said sign me up, I don't care how much it costs, I need this in my life.
Most people find it hard to get motivated and get going with a new workout program, but I was SO beyond ready to go that I lost 13 LBS in my first 21 days. Three months into the program, I was down 25 LBS, and the remaining weight came off over the next year. Officially 45 LBS lost.
Halfway into losing my weight, I made a huge decision to start coaching other people through workout programs and meal plans just like the one I did. I had absolutely no idea what I was getting myself into, but I knew I needed to be a part of it.
Confident. Excited about life. Happy.
These three things are what I would use to describe myself now. I am SURROUNDED by friendship, goal setters, motivators, and happy people ALL. THE. TIME.
My decision to start coaching was hands down the best decision I ever made. THIS is the reason school never worked out for me. I was meant to do bigger things, things that make me get out of bed in the morning with PURPOSE and with LIFE.
Now I have the pleasure of helping people who are stuck just like I was. People who are stuck physically, mentally, and financially. Wait did I say financially? Yes, my passion is also my source of income. The feeling I get when I help people lose one, five, or ten lbs, makes my heart SO HAPPY.
Coaching is HARD work, it takes time and patience, but I wouldn't trade it for the world.
And the Christmas card and Lulu Lemon gift card? They are from my friend, my mentor, my coach. whom none of this would be possible without.
If coaching is something that you have ever thought about or if it has been on your heart, I would love to give you peek into my world. Join me for a LIVE coach preview event to answer any questions you have and to go over what it means to be a coach. Want to be a part of our coaching family? Click the link below that says " join my tribe" to fill out my form below and I will contact you within 24 hours.
Total transformation, inside & out <3
My coaching fam :)
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